Sunday, April 27, 2008

Party Hits & Acoustic Ballads

Finally we get to hear and see more from Thomas!
As there are now five remaining candidates, each has two songs to sing instead of one. Yesterday's theme was "Party Hits & Acoustic Ballads" and Thomas Godoj sang the songs "You Get What You Give" by The Radicals and "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who. The first song I love, but I don't particularly like Limp Bizkit's version of 'Behind Blue Eyes'. However, it seems as though Thomas can turn any song I don't like into a song that I can play over and over...of course sung by him. ;)

DSDS Thomas Godoj: You Get What You Give by The Radicals

I found his second performance much better than the first. Judge for yourself:

DSDS Thomas Godoj: Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit

Three shows to go!